Thursday, August 26, 2010

What's for lunch?

Many people know that Google provides free meals for their employees. This is a truly dangerous thing as it's very easy to load up on food and gain extra weight. The "Google 15" is no joke.

Today, as I made my way to the front of the lunch queue I squinted at a small card posted above the "hot meal" tray - it read "Skippy." "What's skippy?", I asked. The reply, from a bloke 2 places ahead of me, was a matter-of-fact "kangaroo."

Turns out Skippy is the name of a kangaroo featured in a popular children's show from the 60s! (Think Lassie down under.) Now that's black humor you can hang your hat on.

Of course I had to have some and it wasn't bad at all. Slightly gamey, it is very lean. It seemed a little overcooked (the Aussies definitely don't eat their red meat like the French) and I can imagine a little less done it would be quite nice. The cook explained to me that Kangaroo meat is high in iron, lean, sustainable and de facto free range: there is no such thing as CAFOs for Kangaroos.

And that's what for lunch.


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We are a 30-something American couple who moved to Sydney, Australia on 15 August 2010.

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