Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hats in Oz

I've had hats/sun protection on my mind recently, as the sun is quite strong here, and hats are a real necessity. Here's a photo of Hugh Jackman from the movie "Australia" wearing an Akubra hat.

Image source: http://ediehats.com/archives/2065.

I've been keeping my eye out for a stylish wide-brimmed ladies' hat, maybe even with a chin strap so it won't get blown off at the beach. However, I don't know if one exists, they generally look pretty dorky!

By the way, our friend Mark told us that hats were part of the required uniform at his son's primary school. One day Nico forgot his hat, and he was not allowed to go outside to play during recess. Instead, he had to go sit in the "Responsible Thinking Room!"


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We are a 30-something American couple who moved to Sydney, Australia on 15 August 2010.

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