Friday, October 22, 2010

Getting Closer to Fully Furnished

We're getting closer to having the apartment fully furnished! I've been scouring eBay and Gumtree (sorta like Oz's version of Craigslist) like an obsessed madwoman for the past several weeks. We've also gone into lots of vintage shops, but they're generally over our budget.

Soo, we've finally won 3 eBay auctions, in our price range! Missed out on the cool bookcases, but we were successful on the cedar-lined linen chest (Lane brand - came from the United States!), a 1960s square dining table (had to be square to fit into our small space), and a set of teak and black vinyl dining chairs.

The linen chest/blanket box will go by the front door to store our winter coats and also give us something to sit on while we take our shoes off. We've decided to roll Japanese-style and not wear shoes in the apartment. However, we both dislike wobbling on one leg right inside the door, so we're getting something to sit on while we Mr. Rogers it from our outside shoes into our slippers. I may even have to get Matthew a shoe horn on a stick so he can more truly emulate an old Japanese man.

The table is being delivered tomorrow, and we have to rent a truck to go pick up the linen chest and the chairs on Sunday. Yikes, our first time driving on the opposite side of the road!

Hopefully soon we'll have some new pics of the apartment.

P.S. Hours of trolling eBay has convinced me that the most overused and misused descriptors on are: Eames, Parker, Kartell and Danish. A few Aussies use "mid-century modern", but thankfully not as many as Americans, who seem to tack on MCM to every single auction, even if if it doesn't apply in the least.


About This Blog

We are a 30-something American couple who moved to Sydney, Australia on 15 August 2010.

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