Sunday, January 22, 2012

2011 - My Year in Numbers

Looking back at 2011, here's my year by the numbers:
My current age: 35.
Years Matthew and I have been married: 5.
Number of houses we’ve lived in this year: 2.
Number of blog posts: 68.
Number of photos from 2011 added to our Picasa: 2,260.
Number of countries visited: 6 - Australia, USA, Argentina, Uruguay, Ireland and Belgium.
Number of trips we took within Australia: 2.
Number of Australian native animals patted: 3 - koala, dingo and kangaroo.
Number of friends who visited us this year: 2.
Number of times I climbed to the top of the Harbour Bridge: 1.
New relatives: 1 - nephew Warren Stamile, born April 2011.
Weddings attended: 1 - Tamara and Andy, September 2011.
Number of books read: 27.
Number of houseplants acquired: 1.
Number of performances I’ve seen (live music, plays, etc): about 11.
Number of free Google swag items Matthew has been given: around 10, including a pair of socks. (Last year he got a Google snuggie.)
Number of times I’ve complained about how expensive things are in Australia: too high to count.
Average number of times per week I walk up and down King Street in Newtown: 16.
3 things I love about living in Sydney: sunshine, beautiful beaches, hearing a pair of kookaburras outside my window.
3 things I don’t love about living in Sydney: roaches, drivers’ aggressiveness to cyclists, how far away it really is from everywhere else.


About This Blog

We are a 30-something American couple who moved to Sydney, Australia on 15 August 2010.

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